Ideas pop to life through the magic of animation. Whether you're looking to tell a captivating story, showcase a product, or do visual effects and special effects work, our talented, hard-working team of animators will get the job done. Big Film’s animation capabilities encompass 2D and 3D animations, motion graphics, character animation, commercial work, VFX and SFX. Thrill your audience in new ways through the power of animation. Our animators and artists are deeply involved within our production pipelines and your content is designed from the ground up with meticulously crafted pre-viz done for animations.

We excel in breathing life into your brand’s content through stunning, immersive visuals that glue eyeballs to the screen. Our talented team of 3D artists excels in creating dynamic, vivid scenes and captivating visual effects which will make your content sizzle. Your product reveals and showcases, character-driven narratives, commercials, and branded episodic will be rendered in impeccable detail and quality.

Our approach to 2d animation is that of artists to their canvas. Big Film prides itself on creating bespoke 2D content that is filled with textual detail and brimming with personality. Our 2D artists are wizards at infusing new life into any frame that comes under their digital brushes. They also ensure that our storyboards and concept art is in a league of its own.